
Entrepreneur shares pic of Kabul’s women-run eatery before Taliban takeover | Trending

Sara Wahedi, CEO of the digital startup Ehtesab, took to X to share a picture of a restaurant in Kabul, Afghanan. In her post she mentioned that the photo is of a restaurant that was managed and owned women before the Taliban takeover. She also shared that the image was taken a few months before the Taliban marched into Kabul on 15 August 2021 and took control of the country. The picture shows Entrepreneur Sara Wahedi at Bost Restaurant in Afghanan’s Kabul. (X/@SaraWahedi) “Me in Kabul, at Bost Restaurant. It was woman-owned (@MaryAkrami), with 100% female staff. This was a few months before the Taliban takeover. Behind me are images of legendary Afghan women. We smiled then – excited about the future. Afghan women were unstoppable. Still are,” Wahedi wrote. Mary Akrami is a human rights activ. “Afghan women earned the right to vote in 1919, a year before women in the U.S. could. Behind me is Queen Soraya of Afghanan, who led the charge for women’s suffrage. We come from fierce, powerful women. This is the Afghanan I want the world to know. It’s what we fight for,” she shared in another tweet. The picture posted Wahedi shows her sitting in the restaurant and looking at the camera with a smile on her face. Take a look at the tweets: The main post was shared on September 23. Since being posted, it has gone viral. Till now, the share has collected over 5.7 million views.Here’s what X users wrote about the picture: The Taliban government banned millions of women and girls from attending schools, colleges, and universities after returning to power over two years ago. A few months ago, the United Nations (UN) said in a statement that the country has become the most repressive in the world for women and girls. The UN also added that Afghanan’s female population is deprived of many of their basic rights under Taliban rule.

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