
Exercise thrice a day for 20 minutes, eat natural sweets, bathe in sunshine: Expert shares mantra to beat diabetes

A metabolic disorder, diabetes mellitus is the measure of glucose level that builds up in the bloodstream, also known as glycaemia. As such, to keep the organs and glands in good shape, experts stress the need to stay active. “Exercising increases insulin secretion and good oxidative enzymes, better mitochondrial density and lung function, and improves cardiovascular capacity and the overall immune system,” said Dr Mickey Mehta, holic health guru/corporate life coach told .

According to Dr Mehta, to manage diabetes, the ideal exercise time should be “20 minutes, three times a day”. “Every workout should be before a meal…breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” he said, adding that the exercise must be soft, gentle, and non-intense, and include stretching, contracting, bodyweight training, breathwork, etc — all of which “can really help”.
“Exercises like twing, side bending, forward bending, alternate toe touch should be done,” Dr Mehta suggested, adding that even if it’s cardio, “you don’t have to create more stress and -products of oxidative stress on the body. Keep it as gentle as possible”.
World Diabetes Day: Workout every day (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)
According to the expert, certain yoga poses bring about de-sensitisation of muscle and fat tissues to the body’s own (endogenous) insulin. “Yogasanas such as Mandukasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana and Paschimottanasana work wonders. Advance yoga poses like Ardha Matsyendrasana , Sarvangasana, Halasana, and Mayurasana are also good for those who can practice it,” he said.
He further said that surya namaskar “improves the pranic energy and also balances metabolism”. “A lot of pranayama, especially, Anulom-Vilom and Brahmari help a lot in diabetes. It needs to be done every day, three times a day,” he said.
Apart from that, soaking in a lot of sunshine in the morning will support the release of and trigger serotonin. “This natural source of energy, responsible for creativity and productivity, also helps to deal with ailments and diseases,” he added.

Rest and good night’s sleep promote melatonin secretion, which accelerates the healing process, Dr Mehta stressed.
“Remember to exercise 3 times a day, if not, the third time can be compensated with a walk. Or it can be complemented with swimming or cycling or slow jogging. Or if nothing, take a massage. The least you can do is take a long hot water bath, where you rub, scrub and massage yourself. It also becomes a productive activity to combat diabetes,” Dr Mehta shared.
But, note that exercising needs to be complemented with a balanced diet to achieve a healthy weight and, hence, good blood sugar management. He also reiterated that one should understand that “sweets are not bad”. “Consume your sweets judiciously. Go for natural sweets like dates,” said Dr Mehta.
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