
Family helps in raising their domestic worker’s daughter after his wife’s death | Trending

Good deeds are always so wholesome to see. When people help each other out during times of need, it restores your faith in humanity and makes you feel good. Like this video shared People of India page on Instagram that shows a family that helped their domestic help in raising his daughter after his wife passed away. The video was posted on March 12 and it has received over 3.96 lakh views so far.The video begins with a photo of a man standing along his wife and daughter. The text on the video explains that six years ago the girl was born to the wife of the domestic help. However, the woman passed away after two years during her second pregnancy. Both mother and her children couldn’t be saved. The girl named Garima was three years old then and her father was broken financially and emotionally, says the text. The family then helped raise her looking after all her needs. The family that has two daughters of their own took the little one under their wing and nourished her. It became their routine to clean her, feed her and play with her. The video contains lots of photos of the family bonding together. “We are a beautiful family of 5 now,” says the text in the end.“Our domestic help Mahendra’s wife died during her second pregnancy when she was pregnant with twins. Both mother and children couldn’t be saved. Since then, Garima became a part of our family. She completes our family,” says the caption of the video.Watch the video below:

The video got an overwhelming response with people praising the family.“I am at a lack of words how I felt about this video. I am not good at words, but trust me this made me so happy,” commented an Instagram user. “The most beautiful story I’ve ever seen!” posted another user. A third commented, “We need more people like you…you guys deserve the world, so proud.”The video was originally shared Deepali on her personal Instagram account on November 14 last year.What do your thoughts about this wonderful story?

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