Google Play Store has rolled out Netbanking as a payment method in India. The option was first spotted by Android Police, which out screenshot of the same. “Prior to this addition, Indian users could only pay with debit/credit cards or Play Store gift cards,” the site said. According to reports, Google has tied-up with close to 30 banks for Netbanking payment facility in India. The addition of Netbanking will make it easier for users to buy apps, books, movies and songs from Google Play Store.
Users who found the new payment method particularily useful, tweted about the same. “.@GooglePlay supports netbanking of many Indian banks, including @TheOfficialSBI. Payment made easier,” said one of the Twitter users who goes by the name @AkhileshTekade. “Great news is google playstore in india now supports netbanking in payment method for many banks @GoogleIndia @GooglePlay,”said another user Kishan V.
According to an earlier report in Reuters, Google is sharpening Google Play store recommendations with artificial intelligence. The report also said the company is looking to expand support for various payment platforms, among other initiatives. Plus, the Play Store will be expanding to new platforms, including wearable devices, virtual reality headsets and Google’s Chromebook laptops. “What we are excited about is giving developers that single entry point for more and more of the computing ecosystem,” said Sameer Samat, Vice President Product Management at Google.
Google Play Store allows Idea users to pay for apps, games and books on Google Play directly through their postpaid and prepaid accounts. The in-build operator billing feature also extends to in-app purchases.
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