
Google’s Mother’s Day doodles feature cute animal families | Trending

Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. This year, it falls on May 14. The day honours the remarkable women in our lives who extend their unwavering support and shape us into the best versions of ourselves. To mark the occasion, Google too shared adorable doodles of animal families. These heartwarming doodles captured the essence of motherhood and the strong bond between mothers and their babies in the animal kingdom.

Doodle shared Google on the occasion of Mother’s Day. (Twitter/@GoogleDoodles)

“Today’s #GoogleDoodle celebrates all mothers! (including the ones with feathers, tentacles, and paws). Huddle your flock around mom today to show her some #MothersDay love,” reads the caption shared alongside the GIF Google Doodles. The accompanying GIF shared on Twitter showcases a creative representation of the Google logo, with a hen, a camera, an egg and flowers forming abstract shapes. The pulsing play button overlay on the egg suggests the joy and vitality of this special day.
Take a look at the GIF shared Google Doodles here:

They even replied to the tweet and shared some pictures with the caption, “Even animals are hopping on the family throwback pics trend with mom!” The first picture shows a hen wearing a bonnet attentively sitting on three eggs in a nest, while the other features the same hen with two other birds and one taller bird in a nest. The third doodle depicts a lioness lovingly holding a cub sliding down a hill in a cardboard box. The fourth picture shows a female lion sitting behind a large male lion with a large mane, both enjoying the exhilarating slide down the hill in a cardboard box.

In addition to these, Google also shared the doodles of two animals engaged in a playful fight after playing a tic-tac-toe game. According to Google, these unique doodles showcased hand-crafted clay artwork created Doodler Celine You. The intricate clay sculptures added a touch of creativity and playfulness to the Mother’s Day celebrations, capturing the imagination and bringing a smile to viewers’ faces.


Arfa Javaid is a journal working with the Hindustan Times’ Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online.
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