Guinness World Records confirms 21-year-old Chihuahua is the ‘oldest dog living’ | Trending

Guinness World Records took to Instagram to share a video showcasing the Chihuahua who is the oldest dog living.
Guinness World Records often takes to Instagram to share various kinds of posts concerning different records. In their latest share they posted about a 21-year-old Chihuahua named ToKeith. They mentioned that the pooch recently got the title of “oldest dog living.”“Oldest dog living – ToKeith at 21 years 66 days old,” they wrote while posting the video. The clip shows the adorable creature’s pet parent sharing more about him.“ToKeith is a chihuahua and is owned Gisela Shore (USA), who describes him as “sweet, gentle, loving and my little bodyguard. ” She has always made sure to feed her dogs a balanced diet of proteins, vegetables and rice, but still never thought he would one day be the oldest living dog in the world when she first adopted him!” reads a part of a blog that the organisation posted about this dog’s record.“On achieving the record, Gisela said ‘I love the recognition of knowing that he has had a healthy long life with me as his mommy. We adore him so much and achieving this record is testimony of the loving home we have provided for him. Tokeith is such a blessing. I am so lucky to still have him in my life,” they also shared.Take a look at the post:
The video has been posted a few days ago. Since being shared, the clip has accumulated more than 16,000 likes and the numbers are only increasing. The share has also prompted people to post various comments. “Sooooo precious!” shared an Instagram user. “Looks so healthy for such an old pup,” wrote another. “I love him,” posted a third. What are your thoughts on the video?
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