
Here’s how to check who unfollowed you on Instagram

Unlike Facebook where both parties are involved in forming a ‘friendship,’ Instagram takes a one-way approach where one person can ‘follow’ another person without the latter following them back. While this implementation has its advantages and disadvantages, one bit can be particularly annoying with it – unfollowers. Since Instagram offers no built-in tool to detect unfollowers, users are often left scratching their heads, wondering who unfollowed them when the followers count dips unexpectedly. If you happen to be one of those then we’ve got you covered here.
The easiest way to filter out unfollowers is using a third-party app so that you don’t have to trouble yourself with doing it manually, which can be a very cumbersome process if you’ve got a lot of followers. There are a lot of apps available on the Play Store and App Store but we recommend FollowMeter as it’s easy to use and has got a super-polished interface.
Track your unfollows using FollowMeter
You need to first download and install FollowMeter on your iOS or Android device. Setting up the app will require you to log in to your Instagram, which you can proceed with after tapping the “Login” button.
Followmeter is one of the best ways to keep track of your follower l on Instagram
You’ll be directed to the app’s main page then, where you’ll see a number of options to manage your followers. Normally, you’ll be able to track unfollows using the “Unfollowers” options but first-timers will need to visit the “Not following back” option to catch unfollowers.
However, if inputting your Instagram credentials into a third-party app bothers you, then there’s another, manual method.
Sieve out unfollowers manually
checking your own Followers l:

Open Instagram and head over to your profile using the icon located at the bottom-right corner of your screen.
Near the top, you’ll see a “Followers” option, tapping which will open up a l of all the people that follow you.
Using the search bar, type in the name of the account you think might’ve unfollowed you. If their name doesn’t pop up then they’ve unfollowed you.
If you’re unsure about the name, simply go through the l to find the user.

checking the following l of another user:

Alternatively, if you’ve already got someone in mind, you can simply use the search bar to find them. To access it, you’ll have to tap the search icon which can be found at the bottom left, on the right of the home button.Input the name of the account you wish to check
Go to their profile and tap Following
If your own name appears on the l then they’re following you. If not, then either they unfollowed you or they never followed you in the first place.

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