
HI announces financial assance for state and drict member units

Hockey India on Sunday announced financial assance to its drict and state units with an aim to improve the standard of tournaments held at the grassroot level.
As part of its commitment towards promoting the sport, the national federation has disbursed a grant of Rs 2 lakh each to all of its state member units.
“This initial grant will aid the drict units in meeting their deliverables and complying with the necessary guidelines,” said HI in a statement.
In addition to the initial grant, HI will further sanction Rs 1 lakh each to respective state member units upon successful completion of the compliance their respective drict units.
“This additional funding will serve as an incentive for state member units to support and guide their drict units effectively.
“HI will additionally provide grants of Rs 10 lakh each to respective state member units that successfully conduct state level championships and ensure the organisation of drict championships in their respective states in the calendar year 2023,” the statement added.
It is mandatory for all drict units to conduct drict level championships in line with the guidelines issued the International Hockey Federation (FIH).
The completion of these tournaments will be a prerequisite for the state member units to be eligible for the grant.
“HI recognises the crucial role played the drict units in fostering the sport’s growth at the grassroots level. Therefore, an additional incentive of Rs 20,000 will be provided to each drict unit upon successfully completing their drict unit compliances and organising the drict championships,” the national federation said.
Expressing that this financial assance will be a shot-in-the-arm for dricts and states to conduct tournaments, HI president Dilip Tirkey said, “This is perhaps the first time that a non-cricket National Sports Federation is sanctioning financial assance directly to drict associations.
“This initiative reflects Hockey India’s commitment towards promoting hockey at the grassroots level.”

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