
Hyderabad professor refuses to fall for students’ prank in hilarious video: ‘Hehe mujhe maalum hai’ | Trending

A group of students attempted to prank their professor in Hyderabad, but failed hilariously when he wised up to their tricks. While the professor did not fall for the prank, his charming reaction has nevertheless captured hearts and is now going viral online. A Hyderabad professor’s reaction to his students’ prank is winning hearts online(Instagram/@_univentures) Students at Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College tried to play the viral “You can sleep” trick on one of their professors. They evidently did not count on their elderly professor being an internet-savvy Instagram user who was already well aware of the prank and refused to fall for it. The prank and the prankstersThe prank that MVSR students tried playing was borrowed from students at Bengaluru’s Chr University. Like in Bengaluru, here too, the scene unfolded with two students arguing about the grammatical correctness of two sentences: “You is sleep” versus “You can sleep.” The students asked their professor for his opinion on which sentence is grammatically correct. If all had gone according to plan, the professor would have answered “You can sleep” – at which point that entire classroom would have put their heads down, taking it as permission to doze off during a lecture. This is exactly what happened in Bengaluru. Unfortunately for the students of MVSR in Hyderabad, their professor was not about to fall for the trick. Asked about the correct sentence, the Hyderabad professor started laughing. “Hehe, mujhe maalum hai (I know what you are up to),” he said, chuckling himself as his students burst out laughing. The professor then informed his class that he spends more time on Instagram than they do. “Aap se zyada main vo sab dekhta hun. Though I am old, I like all those Reels,” he said sportingly, drawing more laughter from the audience. Take a look at the video below: The failed prank, and the professor’s adorable reaction, has gone viral on Instagram with nearly 2 million views and hundreds of appreciative comments. One person called him a “pookie professor.” Another said: “The professor passed the vibe check.” “Professor is professional reel consumer,” an Instagram user joked.

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