
India vs Belgium Live Score, Hockey FIH Pro League: Harmanpreet & Co take on Olympic champs; tough test for Salima’s side | Hockey News

Hockey, FIH Pro League: In India’s draw against Argentina, Sreejesh was sensational again but there was another positive too
Mandeep Singh (11’) and Lalit Kumar Upadhyay (55’) scored a goal each for India in the first and final quarters, in a match where India’s level fluctuated across the 60 minutes. (Hockey India)
The Indian men’s hockey team’s return to FIH Pro League action on Wednesday in Antwerp was a case of one thing we knew well about them and another where a lot of improvement is expected.
There is no doubting the legacy of PR Sreejesh in Indian hockey, but the 36-year-old offered another reminder that he is not just here reputation, but on the weight of his performances. On the other hand, there has been a lot of scrutiny of the team’s ability to score field goals in big matches and not just depend on drag flicks. (Read more from Vinayakk Mohanrangan)

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