Iranian hairstyl shows off her ‘teapot’ hairstyle on Instagram. Watch viral video | Trending
You may have seen numerous extravagant hairstyles, but have you ever seen one where the hair looks like a teapot? If not, this Iranian hairstyl turned this into reality for you. She even shared a video of the hairstyle on her Instagram, and it has since clocked 3.6 million views. Hairstyl Saeideh Ariaei makes the ‘teapot’ hairstyle on a model and later pours tea into a cup. (Instagram/@saeidehariaei_hairstyl) The video, a timelapse shared Saeideh Ariaei, shows the step–step procedure of doing the hairstyle on her model. She first starts off tying a high ponytail. Metal bendable craft wires were used to make the structure of the body and the spout of the teapot. A hot glue gun was used to glue them together. The metallic frame is secured on top of the head. A portion of hair from the ponytails is separated and the backcombing technique was used. This method of combing hair from root towards the scalp repeatedly creates the desired style tangling them and increasing volume. This lock of hair is wrapped around the teapot metallic frame, and quick setting with a setting spray. A layer of form wrap in the same shade as the model’s hair was molded with a hot air dryer above to secure them in place and prevent any seepage. Why? That’s revealed at the end. The next step involved gluing a pre-made handle in position. The remaining hair from the ponytail was braided and wrapped around the base of the teapot. Finally, the hairstyle was completed topping it off with a lid. Now comes the surprise element. This is no ordinary hairstyle, but a functional one. Saeideh filled the ‘teapot’ with water and poured herself a cup out of it. Also, don’t miss the blooper. The video ends with Saeideh’s failed attempt to pour water, which seeped through the ‘spout’. This ‘teapot’ is not her only out-of-the-box hairstyle. A vase and a slipper are few among the others. The video gained up to 50,000 likes and over 3,000 comments on the internet. Here’s what viewers had to say about the hairstyle:Shoebi Pirveisi jokes, “So I asked my mom where to put some things. She said: On my head. That’s what she meant.” Another user commented, ”You are perfect and great Saeideh. Really I see your effort and motivation everyday, how creatively your work, and this all comes from love and interest. May you always shine at the top ba.” “Lend this lady to me. We have a board until the 10th of Muharram, then I will return it,” was another pinned comment on the video.