
Is banana shake really healthy?

Many prefer starting their day with a glass of creamy and fresh banana shake — filled with the goodness of bananas and nutritious milk. It is not just extremely filling but also believed to be healthy.
“It is also a go-to drink for fitness enthusiasts who have it to replenish their nutrients and electrolytes post a workout,” Ayurvedic expert Dr Nitika Kohli said, adding that many prefer having a glass of banana shake as a pre-workout meal. “Banana shake or smoothie is also said to prevent muscle cramps.”
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But, is it really healthy? Apparently not.

According to Ayurveda, every food item possesses dinct energy, taste and effect on the body. Thus, you need to be mindful before mixing certain foods together. These combinations, that are best avoided, are known as Viruddha Ahara. Banana shake is one of them, according to Dr Kohli.
She said, “Ayurveda considers the combination of banana and milk as ‘Viruddha Ahaar’. While banana and milk can be consumed separately as they are packed with nutrition, having them together can lead to several health problems in the longer run.”

Banana milkshake is a wrong food combination as “you are mixing two heavy food items together. This can dampen and weaken your digestive fire.”
This, in turn, “can lead to skin disorders and health issues including vitiligo, eczema and auto-immune disorders,” the expert said.
Earlier, Ayurvedic expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar had led incompatible food combinations that you must avoid to stay healthy.

*Fruits and milk*Heated honey*Equal quantities of ghee and honey*Eating curd at night*Milk with fishBest of Express PremiumPremiumPremiumPremiumPremium
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