
Is South Africa’s Dean Elgar going to retire after India series? | Cricket News

The 36-year old Dean Elgar, who was replaced as Test captain this February Temba Bavuma, is considering retiring after the two-Test series against India, according to Rapport newspaper.
The newspaper reports that Elgar believes he is not part of Test coach Shukri Conrad’s long-term plans. Elgar is in good form in domestic cricket, having scored 402 runs in six innings for Titans at an average of 80.40.
“Just expect the news [of his retirement] to break soon,” Rapport quoted a source.
The newspaper reports that Elgar was expected to a lead a depleted South Africa team (who would be without their SAT20 players) in a two-Test series in New Zealand in February but that the talks between Elgar and Cricket South Africa didn’t go as smooth as envisioned.
It’s being reported that Conrad is considering selecting Neil Brand, South Africa A’s captain, as the opening batsman for the series in New Zealand. And if Elgar does quit after India, Tony de Zorzi is likely to be Brand’s opening partner.

“In my past, I haven’t been given a lot of credit for what I have done. I don’t think there is a big relationship between me and South African cricket fans. A lot of time, what I have done has been brushed under the carpet. People forget that you need cricketers like me in every team,” Elgar had told The Indian Express in 2018.
“I have found a way of dealing with the reactions, and creating a vibe around myself. Because I don’t play in the IPL. IPL players get a lot more credit and so be it. They deserve it. So I am not a big person to really let go and enjoy people kissing my arse for doing something what I am supposed to do!”

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