
Kid shelters dog from sudden rain at Delhi’s Kartavya Path | Trending

Delhi, on Thursday, witnessed a sudden spell of rain which has left many who were out and about searching for places to shelter themselves. One such moment was captured photographer Vipin Kumar. In the image he clicked, you can see a child protecting his dog while sheltering himself from the rain at Delhi’s Kartavya Path. A woman is also seen sitting beside them.

Heartwarming HT picture of a kid sheltering a dog from the rainfall in Delhi’s Kartavya Path.(HT Photo/Vipin Kumar)

Take a look at the wholesome image that may leave you with a warm feeling in your heart and a wide smile on your face.

The image shows a kid sheltering his dog from the rain in Delhi.(HT Photo/Vipin Kumar)

The photographer also shared more images of people trying to shelter themselves from the rain.

A street vendor sheltering himself from the rain in Delhi.(HT Photo/Vipin Kumar)

A food seller hiding from the rain in Delhi.(HT Photo/Vipin Kumar)

Here’s another image of a woman enjoying the rain:

A woman enjoying Delhi rain.(HT Photo/Vipin Kumar)

Here’s another picture that shows a group enjoying the rain rather than hiding from it.

A group walking amid the rainfall in Delhi.(HT Photo/Vipin Kumar)

“Delhi/ NCR is likely to have rain and thundershowers during late evening and night. With a break sometime tomorrow forenoon/afternoon, the wet spell will resume tomorrow as well. The remnant showers, albeit light, may even continue on Saturday morning and cease thereafter,” the SkyMet weather agency said.

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