
Malala Yousafzai says this when Jimmy Kimmel asks if Harry ‘spit’ on Chris | Trending

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai debuted at the 95th Academy Awards at the Dol Theatre in Los Angeles with her husband Asser Malik. Malala, dressed in a hooded sequined gown, attended the event as the executive producer for the Oscar-nominated short documentary Stranger at the Gate.

During the ceremony, host Jimmy Kimmel walked up to Malala Yousafzai in the audience and said, “Great to have you here. Congratulations on your movie. ” He then read out a fan question that drew awkward laughs from the audience. Malala tackled the question like a pro, and her response is now viral.
“Treat people with kindness,” wrote Malala with a victory hand emoticon while retweeting a video of her exchange with Jimmy on Twitter. The video tweeted Malala captures Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel asking her a question from a viewer from New York. Jimmy asks, “As the youngest Nobel Prize winner in hory, I was wondering, do you think Harry Styles spit on Chris Pine?” To this, Malala gave an epic response saying she only talks about peace. “I only talk about peace,” says Malala.
The question was regarding #spitgate, an online controversy sparked a viral video showing Harry Styles visibly ‘spitting’ on his Don’t Worry Darling co-star Chris Pine at the 2022 Venice Film Festival. Both Harry Styles and Chris Pine have given statement regarding the controversy.
Watch Malala’s response to Jimmy’s question below:

Since being shared a day ago Malala, the tweet has gone viral with over 18.9 million views and still counting. It has also raked a flurry of responses from netizens.Here’s how people reacted to Malala’s classy response:American comics writer Jody Houser reacted to the video and wrote, “Beautifully said and beautifully dressed!” “It was a cringe worthy question. You handled it gracefully,” wrote a Twitter user. Another added, “Excellent response @Malala showing dignity and grace.” A third shared, “The queen has spoken. We love you Malala. Dignity and grace personified!!” “You gave the best answer!! I was cheering for you when I saw you on the red carpet!! Thank you for always being an inspiration!!” expressed a fourth.

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