
Man risks his life to save his neighbourhood from fire. Watch | Trending

A man is receiving lots of love on social media after a video of his bravery was shared online. The video shows how he risks his own life to douse fire in a bush. His actions saved the entire neighbourhood from facing a tragedy. The image shows the man trying to put off the fire using a hose. (Instagram/@goodnews_movement) The video of the man was shared on Instagram page Goodnews Movement along with a detailed caption. “Lahaina resident Steve Pickering hailed a hero locals for bravely risking his life, stopping to save the neighbourhood when fires broke out last month. The couple noticed a bush near a house in an otherwise-untouched neighbourhood beginning to blaze,” reads the caption. The page also shared a quote from Jessica Pickering who was with Steve during the incident. “This home on our street would have caught fire if he (Steven) didn’t jump out of the car when he did and put it out. None of the homes on our street burned thanks to him and his brave actions. I wanted the world to see this,” she shared. Take a look at this video of the brave man: The video was posted 18 hours ago. Since then, the clip has accumulated nearly 1..4 million views. Additionally, the share has also received tons of comments from people.Here’s how Instagram users react to the video of the man:“Rename the street after him,” posted an Instagram user. “It goes to show the difference a single person can make! Without that man’s compassion and quick thinking, the whole neighbourhood would have gone up in flames. Not all heroes wear capes!” added another.“Embers can spread a fire so fast and far and you never see it coming. Very brave guy who really changed the situation for everyone on that street,” joined a third. “Steve is the definition of a hero (unsung) but so inspiring. Amazing, generous man,” wrote a fourth.

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