
Man shares what happened after revealing actual salary to mom | Trending

Most people prefer not to discuss their salary details with others, at times even their close family members. This Reddit user told his mother his salary during a heated argument after keeping it a secret for a long time. What happened later left him turning to Reddit for suggestions on how to handle the situation. People have posted various comments to the man’s salary related post (representational image). (Unsplash/@rupixen) The Redditor shared a post on the platform detailing the exchange between his mother and him. “My mom wouldn’t let me spend my money, so I told her my real income. Now all her relatives are calling me and asking me for money,” he wrote as the post’s caption. He went on to further explain the situation in detail. According to him, after he disclosed his salary to his mother, she started shopping more, which he said he is happy about. In the next few lines, however, he shared the problem he is facing. Take a look at the Redditor’s salary related post: Since being shared about three days ago, the post has accumulated close to 2,400 upvotes and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has received several comments, including reactions and suggestions from people.Here’s how Reddit users reacted to the man’s salary related post:“Either learn to say no to them or don’t expect them to return your money after you lend it to them. Khatam, tata, Goode,” posted a Reddit user. “Paisa itna kamao ki 4 log bole hume bhi do,” joked another. “Never ever disclose your true income to relatives. Better to keep it that way,” suggested a third. “True, my dad never told us his income for years. We only found out when we looked at his passbook chance. even then that’s useless cause he has set it up so that anything above 2 lakhs automatically becomes a FD. The house was turned upside down when it came to paying for college fees because we had only 1 day’s notice (and it was bank holiday) and he had nothing. Tldr: OP, don’t have money sitting idle. so whenever someone asks you, just say your money is tied up in so and so and you cannot cash it out,” shared a fourth. “Tell them you lied about your income and you are currently in debt and ask your relatives to pay you back the money they borrowed,” wrote a fifth.

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