
Marching band plans a special surprise for teacher suffering from cancer. Watch | Trending

In a heartwarming video that has gone viral on social media, a marching band surprised their teacher who is suffering from cancer. The entire band took to the street near his house and performed for him. After the video was shared, it caught the attention of many. Numerous people flocked to the comments section of the post to appreciate the efforts done his students. Snapshot of the students marching for the teacher. (Instagram/@Good News Movement) The Instagram page ‘Good News Movement’ shared this clip. In the caption of the post, they wrote, “Marching band surprise their music teacher who is fighting cancer. Sherlio had been away from the teaching position that he loves so much, undergoing treatment, and was overcome with emotion when the band and fellow faculty showed up at his house. The street was filled with musical notes as Sherlio, with tears in his eyes, conducted his band once again.” (Also Read: Woman calls herself ‘bad mom’, her daughter’s reply to it wins the Internet. Watch) Hindustan Times – your fastest source for breaking news! Read now. The video shows the teacher coming out of his room to see the students. As the students march for him on the street, he is immediately in tears. Watch the video here: This video was shared on March 19. Since being posted, it has gained more than four lakh views. The post also has close to 50,000 likes and the numbers are only increasing. The share has also received numerous comments. How did Instagram users react to it?An individual wrote, “This is so beautiful and moving!” A second commented, “The kids are crying for their teacher. Never ever underestimate the connection a student can build with a teacher. Especially one they view as a role model or parental guide. Teachers aren’t paid enough for the impact they make in this world.” “You know you know you did something great with your life when kids love you this much!” posted a third. A fourth said, “How incredibly sweet. May the love and care of his students fill his heart and heal him completely!” News / Trending / Marching band plans a special surprise for teacher suffering from cancer. Watch

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