
Mixed martial art called out for fat shaming model | Trending

Millions of people across the world use Twitter to communicate, network, share opinions and even debate on various topics. Expectedly, there are times when certain posts don’t sit well with the others and the original posters get called out for their tweets. Just like UFC/MMA fighter Jake Shields. He shared an image of a bikini ad featuring a model and tweeted that she needs a “gym membership.” People were quick to react to the post and called it “hurtful” as it promotes “body shaming”.

Some of the comments where tweeple are calling out a mixed martial art for his fat shaming tweet.(Unsplash/keithmisner, Twitter)

The screenshot shows a model wearing a pastel yellow bikini set clothing line Aerie.
Take a look at the post:

The post was shared on April 13. Since being tweeted, it has received over 23 million views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the tweet has gathered several likes and comments. People shared their unhappiness over the fat shaming tweet.Here’s how Twitter users reacted:“That’s just mean,” posted a Twitter user along with a thumbs down emoticon. “What makes you think she doesn’t have a gym membership? Why would you body shame someone?” asked another. “Why are you obsessively posting about women who have never thought about you once in their lives? why are all these photos saved in your camera roll,” commented a third.“What an unnecessary and hurtful tweet. We come in all shapes and colours,” added a fourth. “Being overweight doesn’t = unhealthy. Many people work out every day, yet still carry extra weight. And many skinny/thin people are unhealthy. Stop perpetuating this body shaming culture. It’s getting old. Yawn,” wrote a fifth.

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