
‘My insides were just so happy to be back’: Maria Goretti on fitness post injury

Opening up about her injuries, but being able to get back up, former VJ Maria Goretti shared a glimpse from her aerial fitness class. Goretti can be seen doing an inversion practice in the picture shared.

Take a look.

“It’s been a month and a half. Of patience and of healing. And longing to get back to @firefly.aerialfitness. Today was such a beautiful class. My insides were just so happy to be back. I have been just getting injuries for the past two and a half years…And trying all I can to get back to me…I will, one day at a time…” she said.

How does inversions help?
According to, inversions where one is suspended upside down to stretch the spine and relieve back pain helps the body shift its gravity which eases the pressure off the back while also providing traction for the spine.
Inversions also help in core strengthening, upper body strength, lymphatic movement, spinal decompression, while adding a lot of fun to the practice.
Inversion therapy, in principle, relieves the pressure of gravity on your nerve roots and discs, said MD Radiolog Dr Sunita Dube, founder of MedScapeIndia.
However, inversion therapy isn’t a long-term solution for back discomfort, and it isn’t suitable for everyone. Anyone with high blood pressure, heart problems, or glaucoma should avoid inversion therapy since the head-down position is dangerous, said Dr Dube.
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