
Nightmare fuel: Giant black widow spider captures mouse in its web. Reddit pic goes viral | Trending

Afraid of spiders? Consider this a fair warning to not scroll down further. A Reddit user has provided the internet with nightmare fuel for days sharing a picture of a mouse caught in the web of an enormous spider. A black widow spider ensnares a mouse in its web(Reddit/WoodyDoingFilm) The photo, shared on the “Spiders” subreddit, shows a mouse ensnared in the web of a venomous black widow spider. The user, who goes the name “WoodyDoingFilm” on Reddit, shared that the picture was sent to him his father who wondered how to get rid of the spider. Take a look at the post below: The Reddit post has received over 35,000 ‘upvotes’ and hundreds of shocked comments on the platform. Reacting to comments doubting the authenticity of the picture, the Reddit user said: “⁠The picture is 100% real – my dad isn’t exactly the type to use AI, he doesn’t even use self-checkout options at restaurants. In all reality, he is the type to ignore a giant spider until he notices a mouse in its clutches.” “The rodent is a mouse- the picture is zoomed in enough to make it look like a possum or rat,” he further explained. “That is not a bat next to the mouse, it’s a wasp nest made of mud… his house is covered with them this time of year as they are common in Eastern New Mexico… the house is also in an area that sees rattlesnakes, raccoons, skunks, coyotes, and you never know what you are going to come across out there,” the user added. He ended his post saying that his father would likely get rid of the black widow spider instead of moving it to another place, as a lot of people advocated for. “ The bite may not be fatal, but it’s certainly an inconvenience at the very least,” he said. Reddit reactsReactions to the picture were largely horrified. “I would tell your dad to hand over the keys and tell her she’s welcome to stay as long as she’d like. The dead rat makes a clear statement. She’s willing to earn her keep and eliminate rivals,” one person joked. “Ummm I’m no expert but I think you call a professional at this point given the trophy wall of horror & all the egg sacs,” another said. One Reddit user called it “One of the most insane nature pics I’ve seen.” The black widow spider is a venomous arachnid. While its bite can be painful and cause significant discomfort, it’s rarely fatal to humans. Symptoms might include muscle pain, cramps, and sweating.

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