Noida HR reveals shocking messages from rejected candidates: ‘You were looking hawwt’ | Trending

An HR professional from Noida has revealed some of the more shocking and inappropriate messages she has received from Indian men, highlighting how candidates who don’t get selected for a particular role start to disregard boundaries. Harshita Mishra, a talent acquisition special, shared screenshots of some of the highly inappropriate messages she received from rejected candidates. An HR professional from Noida reveals shocking messages she has received Some of these job-seekers found it difficult to accept a rejection, pressing Mishra to give them another chance. Many resorted to commenting on her physical appearance, using adjectives like “cute”, “sundar (beautiful) and “hot” in their messages. One candidate, after being rejected, started sending her love poetry. “A durbing trend”The Noida-based HR professional called these messages a sample of what she receives from candidates. She said that inappropriate comments and nighttime calls have become commonplace for her. “As an HR professional, I’ve observed a durbing trend:- Candidates who don’t get selected, start to disregard their boundaries. Inappropriate nighttime texts and calls have become a regular occurrence,” Mishra wrote on LinkedIn. “I’ve shared screenshots to illustrate the severity of this issue, without hiding numbers, as this needs to be exposed. I’m committed to maintaining a respectful and calm demeanor, even in the face of inappropriate behavior. Don’t make this for my weakness,” she added. What the messages saidOne person rejected for a job took to calling Mishra repeatedly. The person told Mishra that they had met when she took his interview, and she was so beautiful that he had not been able to forget her since. “You are the most beautiful girl in the world,” the job-seeker told the HR professional, even begging her not to get angry as he was only speaking the truth. Mishra’s screenshot shows how the man messaged her repeatedly even though she refused to respond. He also called her at least five times, though she refused to answer. Another conversation shows how Mishra explained to a candidate that his CV was not good enough for the position to which he applied. The man started sending her shayari and love poetry. Finally, one rejected candidate crossed all boundaries of decorum when he told the HR professional that she looked hot – or “hawwt”, as he spelled it. “You were looking hawwt that day,” he said in his message, adding that he had not been able to sleep or wake up since he saw her. You can read the full post here. Social media reactsThe messages left viewers on LinkedIn shocked, but unsurprised. Many people in the comments section said they had faced, or known people who had faced, similar instances of harassment from rejected candidates. “These messages sound soo durbing. I hope your organization is helping you in taking desired action against such people,” wrote one person in the comments section. “Recently, a team member faced a similar issue. When we posted on LinkedIn, people began commenting that we should forgive the candidate and not share their details, as it could harm their future job prospects,” another revealed. “After reading all your screenshot, I wonder if this has to do with any job or rejection message. This is clearly a cheap mentality and harassment,” a LinkedIn user opined.