‘Only 2% of students solved’ this brain teaser. Are you one of them? | Trending

Maths is a pretty intriguing subject. In the process of unraveling maths puzzles, what initially appears to be the correct solution might eventually prove to be incorrect. Nevertheless, the allure of these brain teasers remains intact, making them thoroughly enjoyable to engage with. So, if you are interested in solving them, here we bring you a question that will boggle your mind. Can you solve this maths puzzle? (Instagram/@maths.puzzles__) The question was shared on Instagram the handle @maths.puzzles__. The puzzle states, “Only 2% of students solved this question. 5+3+2= 151022, 9+2+4= 183652, 8+6+3= 482466, 5+4+5= 202541 Then 7+2+5 =?” (Also Read: Are you a puzzle master? Try solving this maths brain teaser)This brain teaser was shared a while ago on social media. Since being posted, it has gained several likes and comments. Many people took to the comments section of the post to share their answers. Netizens unanimously shared that the correct answer is “143547.”Earlier, another maths-based puzzle had gone viral on social media. The question was shared on Instagram the handle @mathwithmanish. It states, “If 60% of the students in a school are boys and the number of girls 972. Find the number of boys.”