People lift wrongly parked car to give way to bus. Watch | Trending
In an inspiring display of human camaraderie, a group of people joined hands to accomplish a seemingly impossible task. A video shared on Instagram shows how they worked together to move a wrongly parked car to give way to a bus. The image shows a group of people lifting a parked car. (Reddit/@TheChefBoyRC) The video was originally posted on a subreddit and then reshared on the official Instagram page of Reddit. “Everyday heroes for sure,” reads the caption posted along with the video. The clip opens to show a text insert that reads, “New Yorkers lift illegally parked car, so Metro bus can turn.” In the clip, a few people are seen standing around a car. Soon they lift the car and move it out of the way so the bus can operate freely. Check out the video here: The video was shared a few days ago. Since then, it has accumulated close to 2.9 million views, and the numbers are only increasing. The video has also prompted people to post varied comments. How did Instagram users react to this car-related video?“Hopefully, the car was towed at the first opportunity,” posted an Instagram user. “Wow! Nice to see something positive from the Big Apple! Great job men!” shared another. “Together. We can move mountains!” expressed a third. “See, that’s community. We mind our business when it matters, but some things are just unacceptable. You don’t block traffic,” commented a fourth. “They are the heroes for real,” wrote a fifth. “Exciting news! Hindustan Times is now on WhatsApp Channels Subscribe today clicking the link and stay updated with the latest news!” Click here!