Woman reveals that she is transgender to her nieces. Watch their sweet reaction | Trending

For many people, it can be a challenge to talk about their sexuality or even discuss about it with their families. However, those who open up and talk about it often share their experiences. And one such video has caught the attention of many people online. In a heartwarming video, a woman can be seen informing her nieces that she is transgender. She records the videos are shows her nieces’ reactions to the audience.In the short video, she is sitting with their nieces and explaining to them about her. In the video’s caption, she said that her nieces mean the world to her. She raised them as her own and would take them everywhere with her. As she is about to move to a different country, she wanted to inform them she is a transgender person. She further added, “My niece brought tears to my eyes when she said “I feel bad for you,” I told her don’t feel bad for Aunty. I’m very happy to be their aunt. Me being transgender doesn’t change the fact I will always be their aunt, and I love them so much Until this day they always call me on FaceTime and tell me about school and etc.”Take a look at the video here:
Since this video was shared, it has been liked 22,000 times and has several likes and comments.One person in the Instagram comments said, “The way they’re lening with so much care in their eyes. You can see how important you are to them. they love you.” A second person said, “Kids just get it! Curiosity and wonder, but never judgment. So many adults could learn a thing or two from kids. ” “I am crying happy tears for you. You can see in their face and eyes how much they love you! Love knows no bounds. Hope you have an everlasting beautiful life. Sincerely, a stranger,” said a third.
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