
Python suspends between two cars, the pic will stun you | Trending

There are several stories where snakes have entered the homes of people or climbed onto their shower heads. While these stories may stun you, another such snake-related incident has gone viral on social media. In a post shared Hervey Bay Snake Catchers, you can see a python suspended between two cars! Python between two cars.(Facebook/@Hervey Bay Snake Catchers) “So when we turned up for this one we immediately noticed something doesn’t seem quite right. Firstly, this was a very interesting position to find a snake in. We’ve removed plenty of snakes out of cars before but have never seen one occupying two vehicles at once! But that’s not what drew our attention. Pretty sure it’s another escaped pet!!” wrote Hervey Bay Snake Catchers as they shared the post on Facebook.This post was shared just a few days ago. Since being posted, it has been liked close to 100 times. The share has also received several comments.An individual wrote, “Good sized serpent.” A second posted, “That is huge.” “What a beauty,” expressed a third. What do you think about this python?

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