Reddit user says Delhi beggar cursed at her for refusing to give money: ‘We pay tax, don’t owe anything to these people’ | Trending

A woman’s post recounting her interaction with a beggar in Delhi has polarised Reddit. While some sympathised with her and shared similar incidents, others argued her reaction shows off her elit behaviour. The post about a beggar cursing at a Reddit user has sparked a discussion (Representational image). (Unsplash/joseramirez) “I was coming home from the airport and had a work meeting, so I was on my laptop, my parents were sitting quietly in the cab. Suddenly this beggar… asked for money,” the Reddit user wrote. She added that she never gives money to beggars as she thinks “tax is enough donation made.” As per her, when she refused to give money, the beggar started cussing and cursing at her. “We pay tax, we don’t owe anything to these people yaar! They just try to get money from us, they don’t even work,” the woman further said, adding, “Hum 10-12 ghante roz work kre (We would work for 10-12 hours each day) and they will just curse us into giving money! It’s extortion!” Take a look at the entire post here: Woman’s post on interaction with beggar in Delhi. (Reddit) Since being shared, the post has collected nearly 50 upvotes and the numbers are only increasing. The share has further prompted people to post varied comments. How did Reddit users react to this post on a beggar?“In my college days, I was hanging out with my gf one day; a beggar came, so I gave her 10 rupees, and she said ‘tumhari jodi hmesa bni rhe’. One month later, we broke up because she wanted to explore other guys, and it’s been 6 years, I think, and I still think that the beggar scammed me, I hope you learned something,” sarcastically wrote a Reddit user. “Oh my god, the same happened to me today, and he was a male nearly around in his 20’s, I guess; he asked me for money, and I gave him 10 rupee coins, and he got mad and said, ‘Itna kyu deri hai, yeh bhi apne paas rakh’ like what! Why are they so rude and arrogant? Ruined my whole day,” posted another. A third posted, “They are so rude. One time, I was on a bus with my mom and this hijra (transgender) asked for money and I told her no. Then she said ‘itne kamzor ho’. I got offended because why should I be told such stuff a literal beggar? Then I told her to get lost. And omg the drama started. She started cursing me. Told me that she is a hijra and their curses are real. And when I said something, she started clapping loudly. Man, it ruined my week. I literally had an anxiety attack and couldn’t breathe for a while. I am scared of them now,” “Charity is a good act which reflects our responsibility towards society and humanity but it’s one’s choice whether he wants to do it or not and nowadays it has really become a business(everyone knows that) everyone wants money but few wants to earn. I often encounter many incidents where children beg, they are taught to be stubborn. I never gave money to any stranger but if I feel someone is really needy I prefer buying them food,” a fourth person added. What are your thoughts on this woman’s post about her interaction with a beggar?