Redditor quits job after boss asks for a ‘doctor’s note’ to grant sick leave | Trending
A Redditor took to the story-sharing platform and posted a snapshot of a conversation with their boss. The exchange shows how Reddit user ‘trustmebrotrust’ was asked to submit a ‘doctor’s note for an excused absence’ the supervisor. Since the post was shared, it has made many people furious. Redditor quits job after being denied sick leave. The snapshot of the conversation shows ‘trustmebrotrust’ saying, “I hate to do this, but I woke up with cold sweats,” and had “fever creeping up every part of the body.” In the end, the Redditor states that coming to work today is not possible. (Also Read: Boss fires employee with 30 minutes notice, asks for office-related data a year later) Stay tuned with breaking news on HT Channel on Facebook. Join Now To this, the boss asks for a doctor’s note to grant the leave. The Redditor then replies, “I haven’t been to a doctor in three years. I don’t have the money to go to a doctor for a fever. Yesterday, I made the equivalent of $8 an hour. Is the doctor’s visit covered the company?” At this, the boss seems to get agitated and says that ‘trustmebrotrust’ is required to be at work unless there is a note a medical professional. “If it’s just a fever you should be okay to come in and work. Correct?” wrote the boss in the message. Take a look at the post here: This post was shared a few days ago. Since being posted, it has more than 6,000 upvotes. Many took to the comments section of the post to share their reactions. Here’s what people are saying about it: An individual wrote, “If you have a fever, you’re almost certainly contagious, and you need to stay home until at least 24 hours after your fever is gone when not medicated. These were the instructions I explicitly gave my employees when I was a people manager. Companies that make people work sick should be taxed to pay for the public health systems we need to fix the problems they cause.” A second added, “This was audacious even before we just had a global pandemic. It’s unacceptable now.” A third commented, “The two things you are literally told you should absolutely not come to work if you have are a fever or diarrhoea. This person is an idiot. “Should have gone in and then coughed on the guy all day. What goes around comes around,” posted another.