
Bear breaks into Florida home, drinks beer, hogs on snacks | Trending

A three-legged bear in Lake Mary, Florida, locally known as Tripod, was captured on camera breaking into a house and treating itself to snacks and beers. A three-legged bear had broken into a Florida home and enjoyed some snacks. (Unsplash) Josaury Faneite-Diglio found out about the presence of the bear in her home when she was alerted through a security camera notification. (Also Read: Tiger uses its tail to communicate with a bear. Watch) While Josaury wasn’t inside the home, her 13-year-old son, Joseph Diglio, and the family dog, Bruno, were inside. Joseph realised the bear had entered the home after hearing the dog barking. He later witnessed Tripod breaking a makeshift door and entering the house, reports Fox 59. Once Tripod was inside the house, it stumbled upon the mini fridge and helped itself to a few snacks and beer cans. “He ate the fish food we had outside next to our fish tank and then proceeded to the bar. He took three White Claws, drank, and left very happy. His favourite flavour is mango and strawberry,” Josaury Faneite-Diglio to WESH. Even though the uninvited guest enjoyed the snacks, its presence concerned Joseph Diglio. He told WESH, “Once I saw him open the fridge, I got scared that he could open the doors to like the houses. I was not scared because we know the bear really well. He lives here; we respect their habitat as much as we can.” According to Joseph, this is the second time a bear has entered through the patio screen.

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