
Art reimagines Priyanka Chopra as a man. Watch | Trending

The use of artificial intelligence (AI), Photoshop, and other artic tools has only increased in the recent past. With such powerful technology, people have started creating images and videos that may seem extraordinary. From imagining Delhi and Kolkata covered in snow to creating a deepfake video of Heath Ledger’s Joker without makeup, several extraordinary things can be done with this technology. Now, an art reimaged Priyanka Chopra as a man and drew her portrait.

Art reimagines Priyanka Chopra as a man.(Instagram/@José Antonio Saliba)

Art José Antonio Saliba recreated a picture of Priyanka Chopra to show her how she would look if she was a man. The video begins to show José working on her eyes, lips, face structure, eyebrows, and more through a digital pen. Then he adds several masculine features to complete the look. “Priyanka Chopra as a man!” José wrote as he shared the video.
Take a look at the video here:

This video was shared three days ago. Since being posted, it has been liked over two lakh times. The video also has several comments on it.Check out a few reactions below:An individual wrote, “Oh gosh, so handsome.” A second added, “Ohh wow, that’s perfect!” A third posted, “She is just wow, man or woman.” “OMG, perfect,” expressed a fourth.

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