
Sitharaman’s inspiring words to student during Yuva Shakti Samvad wins hearts | Trending

Finance Miner Nirmala Sitharaman recently attended Yuva Shakti Samvad in Kota and interacted with young students. Now, a clip of her interaction with a young student at the event has emerged online and is winning people over. The video that is now slowly gaining traction captures Sitharaman’s wise words to the student who told her about going through various ‘ups and downs in life’ during Yuva Shakti Samvad in Kota.“Life will always be full of ups and downs. But the moment you recognise them, half of the bridge is crossed…If I were closer to you, I would have given you a tight hug. Smt @nsitharaman tells a young student during ‘Yuva Shakti Samvad’ in Kota,” read the caption of the post shared on Twitter Finance Miner Nirmala Sitharaman’s office.The clip opens to show a student named Apala Mishra sharing her concerns related to her life with the Finance Miner. As the video progresses, Sitharaman appreciates her for voicing her problem in public and shares that life is full of ups and downs, and one must learn to recognise them and keep hope alive. She then expresses that she would have given Apala a tight hug if she had been closer to her. Towards the end, a boy interrupts her with a question. The miner then quickly highlights the ‘typical boy mentality’ and triggers laughter urging boys not to pretend that the matter is ‘so girly, girly’.Watch the video below:
Life will always be full of ups and downs. But the moment you recognise them, half of the bridge is crossed…If I were closer to you, I would have given you a tight hug. – Smt @nsitharaman tells a young student during ‘Yuva Shakti Samvad’ in Kota. pic.twitter.com/Ue0P2cpgmW— NSitharamanOffice (@nsitharamanoffc) January 8, 2023
Since being shared on January 8, the video has received more than 1.8 lakh views. It has also gathered over 2,400 likes, several retweets, and comments.Here’s how Twitter users reacted to the video:“What a lovely conversation… It’s like looking at Mr. Kalam sir again. Even though he has passed away, his dream and life are still alive here because of people like you. I have neither the age nor the education to appreciate. May God keep you well,” posted an individual. “This very initiative, a yuva samvad with accomplished personalities is itself quite laudable. And the way Nirmalaji communicated, as on many other occasions, is so much like a family elder. Without a barrier. Great,” shared another. “Excellent Mam @nsitharaman – very impactful message instilling that much needed confidence to Apala & many others,” commented a third.


Arfa Javaid is a journal working with the Hindustan Times’ Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online.
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