Teen shares how his friend inspired him to change for the better. Watch | Trending
We all have that one person or a group of people in our lives who help us in being the better version of ourselves. For this teen, it is his friend, and a video shows him explaining how that person helped him. Chances are, the video will tug at your heartstrings.The video is posted on the page of Dose of Society. It starts with a content creator asking a teen, “Who is that one person that’s changed your life?” To which the teen replied that many people did and then goes on to specially talk about his friend Jacob, standing beside him. He shares how Jacob helped him to be more social and have more confidence in himself. “We all need a friend like Jacob,” reads the caption of the video. Take a look at the video:
The video was shared a few days ago. Since being posted, the clip has accumulated more than 8.9 lakh views. Additionally, it has also gathered nearly 83,000 likes. People posted various comments while reacting to the video. Here’s how Instagram users reacted: “Find your Jacob. Better, be a Jacob!” shared an Instagram user. “This is just so heartwarming-two lovely young men-what a difference a good friend makes,” expressed another. “Make sure you are a Jacob in someone else’s life, make the difference,” posted a third. “That’s kind. People don’t understand how much friendship benefits people,” wrote a fourth.
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