
‘The world is filled with endless possibilities’: Maya Rudolph

Speaking at Tulane University, Maya Rudolph gave an inspiring speech. “It really is a true honour to be with all of you as you begin this new phase of your life – as you embark on this exciting and challenging journey of being sober during the day,” she said.

“From this day forward the world is filled with endless possibilities. You’re young, you’re in your twenties. This is a great day for all of you. Except for those of you leaving college with any student loan debt. I don’t know what to say to you. I’m sorry. I hope you win the lottery,” she said jovially.
“If I could give my 21 year old self the advice I’m giving you today and if I had a time machine, well first I would go back in time and invent the iPhone, cause I think I could make a ton of money. So if I must give any of you advice it would be Say Yes. Say Yes, And… and create your own destiny,” The Good Place actor asserted emphatically stated.
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