This adorable Golden Retriever video will put a smile on your face. Watch | Trending
There are good days and bad days every week. And anytime we have a difficult day, a little encouragement from others makes us feel better. So, if you are looking for a little positivity to turn around your day, here we bring you a golden retriever video that will put a smile on your face.
In a video shared Instagram page @goldenretriver_joy, a person is recording a balcony in a building from the ground. On the balcony, there is a signboard that reads, “Call Joy, if you are lucky, then an angel will come.” So, the person recording the video tests it out and shouts the name Joy. Then, an adorable golden retriever comes running to the balcony.
Take a look at the adorable clip here:
This video was shared almost a month back. Since being posted on social media, the video has gone viral. The clip has been viewed 2.7 million times and has several likes and comments.Take a look at a few reactions here:An individual in the post’s comments section wrote, “Now that’s a witty signboard.” Another person wrote, “This should be done with cats. They will never show up, and when it shows up, that means you are actually lucky.” “Most beautiful thing I have seen today,” added a third.
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