This city offers free bus tickets to citizen if they complete a set of exercise | Trending
Many people wish to stay fit and follow a daily routine of exercise. They go to the gym, do home exercises, try to take long walks, and whatnot. But at some point, one might simply feel less motivated and not continue their exercises. However, to keep their citizens motivated and fit, Romania offers free bus tickets to people if they complete a particular set of exercises.In a video shared Instagram user @alinabzholkina, you can see the same. The woman is standing in front of a machine and is doing squats. Upon completing 20 squats, she gets to have a free ticket.Take a look at the video below:
This video was shared just a few weeks back. Since being uploaded, it has been liked 55,000 times and has had several reactions.An Instagram user commented, “Saving money doing a workout AND saving the environment!!!! Sign me up, please.” Another person said, “Why is Romania cooler than anywhere else.” A third person added, “Damn, I wish we had those.” “1 million of tickets for me thanks,” said a fourth.
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