
This is what a teen from the 7th century looked like. See pic | Trending

In an incredible feat, archaeologs have been able to reconstruct the face of a 16-year-old girl from the 7th century. The girl was buried with a rare old and garnet cross (the ‘Trumpington Cross’), which has also been reconstructed following the analysis of her skull. Face of 7th century teen reconstructed archeologs.(Hew Morrison) Hew Morrison, a forensic art, drew the portrait using the woman’s skull measurements and information on the tissue depth of Caucasian females. Morrison was unable to determine the exact color of her eyes and hair without DNA testing, but the photo provides a clear picture of how she appeared just before she passed away. “It was interesting to see her face developing. Her left eye was slightly lower, about half a centimeter, than her right eye. This would have been quite noticeable in life,” said Morrison in a press release shared EurekAlert. The archaeologs also discovered that the woman had traveled from somewhere near the Alps, perhaps southern Germany, sometime after she turned 7 years old. They also found that her diet had changed and decreased a small but significant amount when she moved to England. “She was quite a young girl when she moved, likely from a part of southern Germany close to the Alps, to a very flat part of England. She was probably quite unwell, and she traveled a long way to somewhere completely unfamiliar – even the food was different. It must have been scary,” said Dr. Leggett from the University of Edinburgh in the press release. The young woman had a medical condition, according to earlier investigations, but the exact cause of death is still unknown. She was buried in an extraordinary manner, reclining on a bed made of carved wood while donning a cross, gold pins, and elegant attire.

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