Madhya Pradesh

TV actor Vaishali Thakkar kills self, search on for neighbour named in note | Latest News India

TV serial actor Vaishali Thakkar allegedly died suicide in her residence in Indore city of Madhya Pradesh on Sunday, police said. A suicide note recovered from the spot suggests the 29-year-old was harassed her neighbour, who is now absconding, they added. The actor reportedly took the extreme step at around 12.30pm, according to police. On getting the information about the incident, the police rushed to the spot.“TV actress Vaishali Thakkar, committed suicide at her residence in Sai Bagh Colony, under Tejaji police station limits in Indore,” an official said.“A suicide note was also recovered from the spot that suggests that she was stressed and was being harassed her neighbour Rahul Navlani, who is a businessman,” the official added. Assant commissioner of police (ACP) Moti ur Rehman told news agency ANI: “Rahul was Vaishali’s neighbour and the suicide note indicates that he used to harass Vaishali, because of which she took such an extreme step. She was about to get married to another man and Rahul troubled her for that. The police are currently investigating the case.”“Rahul is currently not in his residence and has fled after locking his house. Police are currently try to locate him, after that he will be questioned,” the ACP added. The officer also said the actor’s gadgets will also be examined.

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