
Uber driver donates kidney to passenger | Trending

There are some people who go out of their way to help others, including strangers facing difficult situations. Former US army veteran Tim Letts, who presently works as an Uber driver, is one of them. He donated his kidney to a passenger, Bill Sumiel, after meeting him for the first time.

The image shows the Uber driver who donated a kidney to his passanger.(Facebook/@Bill Sumiel)

GoodNews Movement took to their Instagram page to share the story. “On the car ride to the dialysis center, Bill Sumiel (pictured right) and Uber driver Tim Letts (pictured left) struck up a conversation about health problems Sumiel was having. the end of the car ride, Uber driver Tim Letts told him that “God put him in his car that day” and offered him his kidney. They ended up being a match and Sumiel underwent successful surgery. One year after the surgery, Sumiel feels great and is rehabbing at the University of Delaware’s Renal Rehab center. Letts lives in Germany but Bill says he still stays in touch with his forever friend who saved his life,” reads the caption posted along with the picture. The image was originally posted Bill Sumiel on his Facebook profile.
Take a look at the post:

The post was shared two days ago. Since being shared, the post has accumulated more than 1.8 lakh likes and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has received several comments from people.Here’s how Instagram users reacted:“How beautiful. What the world needs more of,” commented an Instagram user. “Some humans are so unbelievably good, wow,” posted another. “What a beautiful story!!” expressed a third. “The chances that the stranger was a match…and then actually followed through with giving the guy his kidney. Incredible,” wrote a fourth.

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