
Viral video shows spider crawling out of a woman’s ear | Trending

Spiders have long instilled fear in many individuals. Whether one encounters a spider crawling across the floor or observes them from a dance on a tree, the mere sight of these creatures can send shivers down one’s spine. While one may try to stay away from spiders as much as possible, what would you do if a spider crawled on you? Or worse, what if it started living inside your ear? Sounds terrifying, right? Recently, a video shared on Instagram shows a spider living inside a woman’s ear. This clip has horrified many people. Spider comes out of a woman’s ear.(Instagram/@todayyearsold) In a video shared the Instagram page @todayyearsold and originally posted on TikTok user @munimarin, you can see a spider crawling out of a woman’s ear. The video begins showing a person carefully dropping a liquid into a woman’s ear. As soon as the liquid enters her ear, a spider starts crawling out.This video was shared just a few hours ago. Since being posted, it has been liked more than 46,000 times. The share has also received several comments.An individual added, “I may never sleep soundly again.” A second added, “Yuck! That’s gross.” “I’m never going to be okay again,” expressed a third. A fourth posted, “I had this. Happen to me scariest thing to ever happen to me.”

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