
Watch this video to learn about the importance of being alone

Most people today are unaware of their internal strength and so, they keep messing their mind and soul allowing the outside world to influence them.

If you look at the most creative men and women in the world, they all have one thing in common: they spend a lot of time with themselves. It’s always better to build intimacy with ourselves first than with other people, because if you are unaware of yourself, you will not be able to know or understand other people.

In this video, Sadhguru explains the power of being alone, “If one knows to enjoy being alone, it means they are better organised psychologically and emotionally both. In today’s time, just to shut up and sit in one place takes a lot. Initially, it looks like a struggle but once you taste what it is you will not be able to do without it,” he says.
There’s a huge difference between being alone and being lonely. You can be surrounded 100 people and still feel lonely. But being alone is different. It is much more peaceful. It gives you a moment to rediscover yourself, to know the hidden abilities within you and make you responsible for your peace of mind and happiness. If one discovers their actual strength in this process, the outcome can be extremely fruitful to develop a healthy mindset and lifestyle.
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