
We Finally Know Why There is no Instagram App For The Apple iPad, Just Yet

There are enough things in this world that are perplexing, and we don’t have a logical explanation for them. The Apple iPad not having its own Instagram app has to be right up there with the unexplained. We are in the year 2020, and we still don’t have an iPad version of Instagram, the Facebook-owned social network. Now, the company is finally talking about it. In response to a user query, Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram has come clean on why there is no Instagram for the iPad. As it turns out, apparently, the company doesn’t have enough resources to build an iPad version of the app.

“We’d like to build an iPad app, but we only have so many people and lots to do, and it hasn’t bubbled up as the next best thing to do yet,” said Mosseri. This comes at a time when the Instagram team has been busy with the rollouts of the Threads app as well as Direct Messaging on the web. We are sure a LOT of Apple iPad users would like to take a look at Instagram’s “next best thing” list and reconfigure it just a little bit. Credit where it is due, this is the first time Instagram has really opened up about the lack of an iPad version of the social network and the honesty just hits the right spots.

In the past, Instagram for the iPad experience was delivered by a bunch of third-party apps, but those are not an option anymore after the Facebook-owned social network killed the APIs that enabled third-party apps access to Instagram user data.

Social media isn’t impressed, however. “It must be some kind of a Silicon Valley millionaire joke,” tweeted a user @TheWojtek in reply to The Verge Editor Chris Welch (@chriswelch). “Facebook-owned company can’t just go hire a few more people to developer an iPad app?,” said a Twitter user @IAmTimBaker. Another user, Farlin Paulino Sanz (@FarBlaze) perhaps has the best response for this lesson in honesty by Instagram. He writes, “Can’t we just get a GoFundMe going for them? Seems like those poor people are strapped for money.”

When put into perspective that Instagram actually devoted resources to a fairly limited and now web-based app for Windows computing devices before the iPad, makes this even more perplexing.

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