
‘Why I don’t date Indian men anymore’: Relationship coach shares 3 major reasons | Trending

People have their preferences, likes, and dislikes regarding whom they want to date. For this relationship coach and Instagram user, it is Indian men that she doesn’t want to date. She shared a video explaining her decision with three reasons. The video, which has gone viral, has prompted people to post varied comments, from supporting her stand about dating Indian men to expressing their disagreement with her opinion. The image shows a relationship coach who shared why she doesn’t date Indian men. (Instagram/@positivityangel) Chetna Chakravarthy, whose Instagram bio says she is a “relationship and life coach”, shared the video on Instagram. “Confession time. The reason my single clients find love and can navigate the crazy world of dating is because I’ve been there, done that and my tools are tried and tested,” she wrote. She also added a disclaimer to her post that the “opinions expressed” on her account are solely hers. “They are not necessarily the views of anyone else, especially my family, friends or clients. They are not meant to influence or dictate anyone’s decisions and are no means a rule of thumb,” she added. In the video, she says, “I don’t date Indian men anymore, and here are my top reasons not to.” She then goes on to explain three reasons that contributed to her decision. Take a look at the viral video here: With over 65,000 views, the video has accumulated nearly 2,000 likes. The share has further prompted people to post varied comments. While some agreed with Chakravarthy, others voiced their disagreement. What did Instagram users say about this relationship coach’s video?“You nailed it, babes…. And yet. We do find some men raised well… or who raised themselves into this consciousness that is mutually beneficial to each other,” posted an Instagram user. Another argued, “Disagree… I am married to an amazing Indian man! Umm, there could be gender differences to some points… maybe you are just talking about your bad experiences but you shouldn’t label it as a country!” A third agreed with Chakravarthy and commented, “I strongly agree with reason 3.” A fourth person wrote, “You have some valid points. But it also shows how women have enjoyed patriarchy, and nurture it to pass it on to other generations for their own benefits. The way women have raised their own sons for their own benefits and how they make sure that this system continues speaks volumes about them as well.” What are your thoughts on this viral video of the woman saying that she doesn’t date Indian men?

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