
Will you be able to separate this complex puzzle piece? | Trending

There are many methods to challenge the mind, and one popular one is to solve brainteasers or puzzles. The internet’s enormous variety offers a plethora of intriguing questions that frequently leave us scratching our heads. While some puzzles might be easy to solve, others might leave you scratching your head. And if you are someone who enjoys solving complex puzzles, here we bring you one that might leave you perplexed.

Can you solve this puzzle?(Twitter/@figensport)

In a video shared the Twitter handle @Figensport, you can see two metal rods shaped in a particular way and stuck with each other. The challenge is to separate the two metal rods. This may sound easy but can be tricky to solve. The video shows that the two pieces have to be twed in a particular way to be separated from each other.This puzzle was shared on June 1. Since being posted, it has been viewed over two lakh times. The share has also received more than 1800 likes and several comments.An individual wrote, “I had a whole load of these when I was a kid. Used to piss me off HUGE.” A second posted, “So clever.” “I would like to have that,” expressed a third. A fourth posted, “Wow.”

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