
Woman hides candy stash from her husband, asks Reddit if she is wrong to do so | Trending

Many people do not like sharing their snacks. Whether you are hiding them from your parents, siblings, children, or even a significant other, several people wish to keep their snacks only to themselves. While some may think that it is wrong to hide food, others may think otherwise. So, when a Reddit user shared how they hide a stash of candy from their husband, it prompted many to share similar stories. The person also asked netizens if they were wrong to do so.Reddit user @u/thisisultimate explained in a post that they keep a stash of candy. The Reddit user says that if their husband asks about the candies, they do not wish to tell them, and if he finds it, the user simply moves the candies away to another place.In the post, they wrote, “This really bothers my husband that I basically am keeping secret treats from him that he can’t have when we share everything else and have shared finances. It’s the principle of the matter for him. He doesn’t like that I’m willing to be secretive about something and also that there is something I am not willing to share.”The user further added, “I like having a treat that is just mine, that I can have at any point and know exactly how much is left. No looking forward to a treat, only to discover the last of it has already been finished. To be honest, I do like the secrecy of it too and think this is a pretty innocent way of having a secret.”The user even gave a few more ‘relevant details’ where they revealed that they share finances and do grocery shopping together. They also revealed and said, “I’ll admit that my husband is better at sharing than I am especially food. I grew up with tons of siblings where you kinda had to fight and hold your own in order to get enough. Keeping a candy stash probably does come from a place of not wanting to share.”Take a look at their post here:

This post was made one day ago. Since being uploaded on Reddit, it has been liked 600 people and has also received several comments. Many people shared similar stories.Take a look at some of the reactions here:An individual in the Reddit comments section wrote, “I have a secret snack stash too. Well, my husband knows where it’s at, but my kids don’t. I have a secondary location that no one knows about. It’s the same snacks we have in the pantry, but I like to keep extra for myself because my kids eat everything.”Another person said, “Your spouse is being weird and petty over you having a small thing to yourself. He doesn’t need to know or have access to everything you do or eat. You are sharing everything else it seems. He could buy his own candy. He is making it a big deal when it is not.”A third person added, “I’ve always had a secret candy stash. My parents both have candy stashed. My husband has his own stash too. We are really just hiding candy from our kids.”

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