
Woman intentionally starts wildfires to ‘watch firefighters’, ‘flirt with them’ | Trending

A woman was arrested in Greece after it was discovered that she intentionally started two wildfires. Reportedly, she did it to watch the firefighters who would come to handle the dangerous situation and also to flirt with them. This outrageous incident led to her arrest and eventual sentencing. The incident of a woman starting wildfires to talk to firefighters occurred in Tripoli, Greece. (Unsplash/Michael Held, Matt C) Statement the fire department:The fire department issued a statement about the woman’s arrest the Police Department of Tripoli. “A Greek citizen, who is responsible for causing two fires on farmland, intentionally and repeatedly (on August 24th and 25th), in the area of Kerasitsa, in the Municipality of Tripoli in Arcadia,” the department said. According to the statement, the woman did it because “she enjoyed watching firefighters and flirting with them.” How did the police identify the woman as the perpetrator?According to local media, the woman was seen at both fire sites, which raised suspicion. Eventually, after further investigation, they discovered the truth. “A 44-year-old woman in Greece has reportedly started two wildfires because she ‘enjoyed watching firefighters and flirting with them.’ The unnamed woman received a ‘three-year suspended prison sentence’,” Dailmail wrote and shared a video of the incident. Take a look at the video here: Since being shared, the video has prompted people to post varied comments, with many urging the authorities for strict sentencing. What did Instagram users say about this incident?“Put her in jail for at least 20 years,” wrote an angry social media user. Echoing a similar sentiment, another added, “A slap on the hand, there are no consequences to putting these brave heroes in danger intentionally.” A third posted, “That woman deserved to go to jail for doing that.” A fourth expressed, “3 years for what can kill people?” Similar incidentsEarlier, a 51-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of causing three fires on farmland. He repeatedly and intentionally started the fires, which landed him in trouble with the authorities and a fine of $1,550. In Greece, even accidentally starting a wildfire is a criminal act. This is imposed because even the smallest flare can quickly spin out of control and turn into a disaster. Miner of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection of Greece Vassilis Kikilias said, “The law is now stricter than ever, and negligence constitutes a criminal act.” What are your thoughts on this incident and the sentence that the woman received for starting the wildfire?

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