World’s fattest cat Crumbs, who weighed 17 kg, dies weeks after being put on weight-loss diet | Trending

Oct 29, 2024 04:19 PM The fattest cat in the world, Crumbs, has passed away just a week after beginning a diet at a fat camp and despite losing 7 pounds. Crumbs, the fattest cat in the world, has sadly died just week after joining a fat camp, reports said. The Russian cat’s story went viral on social media when it was put on a weight-loss diet after being rescued from a Russian hospital’s basement. Kroshik the cat weighed a staggering 17 kilograms and was too fat to move.(Instagram/@matroskin_prm) It is said that the feline grew to be a massive 17 kgs after it was fed only scraps, soup and biscuits. The cat made big progress since being put on a weight loss regimen and lost 7 pounds. However, it developed sudden breathing problems and died on Saturday. Veterinarians said it has cancerous tumours growing on internal organs which were not detected because the cat’s layers of flab were so deep. Get Latest Updates on… See more News / Trending / World’s fattest cat Crumbs, who weighed 17 kg, dies weeks after being put on weight-loss diet