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BJP president Amit Shah will give 25 seats in booth chairmanship in Lucknow

Lucknow. Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah will be in Lucknow on December 25 In Lucknow’s voyage, Bharat Ratna is paying a tribute to Atal Bihari Vajpayee and meeting with the BJP’s booth chairmen. In it, the booth will give chants to win the chants.

The BJP has taken seriously the new challenge emerging from the direct win of the Congress in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh assembly elections. In order to win more than 73 seats in the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP has started preparing for the ground. There will now be a conference of booth chairmen in all six areas in the state and BJP President Amit Shah will come to give him a mantra of victory. Several more new programs have been scheduled. Responsibility and responsiveness of the officials have been decided for this.

At the BJP headquarters, there were several important decisions in the meeting of state office bearers, state president of the fronts, regional president and organization minister and in-charge of the fronts. The meeting was chaired by State President Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey while on the future strategy Mr. Pranesh Mahajan, Sunil Bansal highlighted. During this time the previous programs were reviewed. Dr Mahendra Nath Pandey said that the party will convene booth chairmen in all six areas. The conference is proposed after January 15 and before February 10.

The birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee will be celebrated on 25th December as a party good governance day and he will be paid tribute at the booth level.

All the committees will be headquartered at Sector Convenor Convention

The BJP will convene the Sector Convenor on all the 18 Commissioner’s Headquarters in the state. These conferences will include the BJP’s national office bearer, the Union Minister and Chief Minister of several BJP-ruled states. The party has also decided to hold a conference of co-operatives, teachers, law and trade cell between December 20 and January 10. There will be enlightened conference at the Commission level, the media workshop at the regional level, regional meetings, and there is also discussion on the removal of a bike rally in February at the assembly level. The inauguration of the BJP’s 36 districts office was also discussed. After getting the program of BJP President Amit Shah, its date will be announced.

Kamal Vikas Jyoti Yatra will take off on February 26
The BJP had earlier made preparations for burning Kamal Vikas Jyoti on January 26, on the threshold of the beneficiaries of Central and State Government, but it has been changed. Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey said that this campaign will be run in February and the Kamal Jyoti Vikas Yatra will start on February 26.

Over 62 thousand villages, choupal in 6120 villages

It was in the review that in the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, BJP workers took the step in 62695 villages and made chaupal in 6120 villages. 1.25 crore sheets of public welfare schemes of the central and state government were brought to the house. With the participation of the women’s movement in the process of pedagogy, there was a direct contact between the party for more than 50 lakh women in the state.

Alliance will demolish before BJP

BJP state president Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey said that we are a responsible party with far-reaching politics which considers every situation and every party as a challenge, but we will overcome every challenge and all the coalitions will collapse in front of the BJP. Governments like Gujral and Devgowda do not want to see this country again.

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