
Cat carefully hatches a plan to catch bug, fails miserably | Trending

Do you love watching cat videos? Are you looking for a kitty video that can make you chuckle? If your answers to these questions are yes and yes, then here is a video that perfectly fits the bill. The video shows how a cat fails to catch a bug even after carefully hatching a plan.

The image, taken from the viral video, captures the cat trying to catch a bug. (Twitter/@buitengebieden)

The video is posted on Twitter with a one-word caption. It reads, “Focus….” The video opens to show a cat standing atop a refrigerator, looking at something in front of it. As the camera pans to the other side, it becomes clear that the cat is looking at a bug perched on a cabinet door. At first, it looks like the cat is going to jump from the top of the fridge to catch the bug. However, the kitty pauses and keeps staring ahead as if deciding on the perfect route to get to its prey. Soon, it gets down on the floor and goes near the cabinet to catch the fly. It even jumps as high as it can, but the plan fails because instead of catching the bug, the cat ends up falling inside a washing machine.
Watch the video below:

The video was shared a day ago. Since being posted, the clip has accumulated over seven lakh views. Additionally, the share has gathered tons of likes and comments. Many showed their reactions using laughing-out-loud emoticons.Here’s how Twitter users reacted:“This happens once a week at my place,” posted a Twitter user. “Thank you. I needed to see this. Lol,” shared another. “I didn’t see that coming, hahahaha”, commented a third. “Too focused. Lol,” expressed a fourth. “Now he is focused on whoever left that top (washing machine lid) open,” joked a fifth. “Worked it out. That jump from the dance was not needed,” wrote a sixth.

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