
Monkey adorably pets cat while it drinks milk. Watch | Trending

A video that has tugged at the heartstrings of many people showcases a monkey petting a cat. The adorable video has prompted various kinds of responses from netizens. Picture of the monkey and the cat together. (Twitter/@buitengebieden) The video was shared on X (formerly Twitter) the handle @buitengebieden. The video opens to show a cat drinking milk from a container. A monkey is sitting just behind the cat and is observing it. Towards the end, the monkey even tries to pet the kitty lightly as if trying not to scare it. (Also Read: Cat turns into trainer for its human. Watch) Watch the video of the cat and the monkey here: This video was shared just a few hours ago. Since being posted, it has been viewed more than 1.1 million times. The share has also received several likes and comments.Check out what people are saying about this video here:An individual wrote, “No language needed. Just positive vibes.”A second added, “Brother from another mother.”A third commented, “Well pampered.””So cute,” expressed a fifth.A sixth said, “Animals are such wonderful beings.”What are your thoughts on this video?

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