
Dog patiently waits outside kitchen as pet mom prepares food | Trending

A dog is receiving lots of love on social media after a video showing its well-behaved nature was shared online. Posted on Reddit, the video shows the pooch patiently waiting for its pet mom to give it food. The image shows a dog peeping inside a kitchen from behind a door. (Reddit/@khadaffy) “She’s not allowed in the kitchen during meal times,” reads the caption of the Reddit video. The video opens to show the dog sitting outside a door looking inside. It is the look on the dog’s face while waiting for her food that has left people saying ‘aww’. Take a look at this video of the cute dog: The post was shared two days ago. Since being shared, the video has gathered close to 3,600 upvotes, and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has prompted people to post varied comments.What did Reddit users say about this video of the well-behaved dog?“I grew up with a German Shepherd that wasn’t allowed in the kitchen at meal times. She would lie on the carpet with one paw on the tile floor. His way of saying ‘I’m in the kitchen, whatcha gonna do about it?’ She was an amazing, cheeky dog,” posted a Reddit user. “She will get her revenge,” joked another. “For a second I thought she was wearing a bib in anticipation of the meal,” added a third.“I wonder if you got a bone or a special toy that she can only play with when you are cooking if that might dract her a little more? You can praise her for ‘good sitting’ and ‘staying’ when you finish and give her a small taste or treat or play ball as a reward afterwards. She’s coping pretty hard here not to beg, but she is pulling heartstrings with how adorable and expressive she is in trying to res breaking this rule. To which, the original poster wrote, “Oh, she’s fine. She was just waiting for the apple that I was preparing. We ate late today, and she was like, ‘Where’s my food?’. Usually, she’s in one of her 3 beds at mealtime.”

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